Rolling with the Waves

Most of the things that concern us don’t really matter. This can be difficult to accept in each moment when we face decisions, but this truth is evident down the road, when time passes.

Often times when we look back, the things that gave us paralyzing anxiety and continually put us on edge are laughable. In some cases we can’t even understand what the issue in a given situation could possibly have been.

Knowing from our past that the vast majority of our struggles are only temporary should change the way we look at new problems that arise.

Rather than trying to get every decision right, we should instead look to determine which decisions are the critical few, and devote our time and energy to solving those. When faced with an obstacle of lesser importance, we can practice moving with change and rolling with the rhythm of the sea we live within. Moving against the current is difficult, but flowing with it is effortless.

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