New Beginnings

“Uncertainty can be intimidating, but remaining in the same form holds a greater likelihood of regret or remorse. While difficult to undertake, change can catalyze action in the ideas and directions we’ve suppressed and give us the energy and motivation to shape our lives for the better.”

Reality unclouded

“Our first stumbling block is when we create an idea of what reality is, for a concept can never encapsulate all that reality holds. Worse yet, we limit our perspective by retaining concepts from others—again, passed along with the best of intentions—and contaminating the once-clear lens through which we saw the world as bright-eyed, innocent children.”

Verbal Refinement

“To be confident in our view and persuade others why it might have validity in their own lives, it’s our responsibility to tear apart the concepts that seamlessly categorize themselves in our brain and turn them into something that most people can easily digest. No matter how complex the subject matter, a problem that can’t be reduced to simpler terms carries a higher likelihood of being incorrect, if not solely an indication of general lack of thought and understanding.”

Advice by example

“At the end of life, we’ll look at insanity as the reasons we made up in our minds to justify not trying something. Whether for the monetary cost or status implications, we continuously find reasons to stay as we are and to suffer in the same ways we always have. We continue to see the world the same way and we don’t do anything to change our perspective.”

Happiness Here and Now

“Suffering is a choice, even if it doesn’t appear to be so. Tragedy befalls you? Of the seven billion people in the world, hundreds of thousands felt worse pain yesterday, yet you were without serious discomfort. Unexpected news knocks you out of a good mood? Perhaps you’ve spent too much time storing your security and satisfaction in transient things.”

Working to Live

“Life holds more for us than a mundane cubicle does. Life expects more from us than pouring our creativity into worthless time-sinks. Life demands that we live it the best we can, and that can’t be done if our activities are selected on a basis of what other people do—regardless of knowing their own personal satisfaction.”

Letting go of tension

“The truth is, stress does not deserve to be in your life. You are the master of your time and your energy, and nothing can harm you when you can see through the illusions of materialism and conditioned values. What matters is the quality and enjoyment of your life at each moment, including right now.”