Reality unclouded

Our perception of reality is a combination of the formulas that others have given us to point at truth, love and beauty. While these formulas differ to varying degrees, they all come with sincere intention and a desire for reassurance that reality is in fact as we think it is.

Our first stumbling block is when we create an idea of what reality is, for a concept can never encapsulate all that reality holds. Worse yet, we limit our perspective by retaining concepts from others—again, passed along with the best of intentions—and contaminating the once-clear lens through which we saw the world as bright-eyed, innocent children.

Reality cannot be found solely through rationality, logic or theology. Reality must be found in experience, with as little inhibition as possible. To come in contact with truth, we must be relaxed and open to whatever will reveal itself. To understand what it means to live, we must experience life without concepts. Then, and only then, will we arrive at what it means to be alive.

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