
When it comes to procrastination, we often don’t realize we’re doing it. I’m not talking about binging Netflix for eight straight hours, or scrolling through Instagram when you have work to do. I’m talking about reading, grinding, and other “productive” outlets.

Yes, I’m saying that a lot of your “productive” time is ineffective or irrelevant.

You see, we can easily fall into the trap of over-educating ourselves, or spending a lot of time working on a certain task, because it’s easy.

Sure, reading that 27th business book will provide you with more knowledge, but that knowledge means nothing if you don’t execute on it. Similarly, yes, you’re accomplishing something by spending a lot of time on a task, but have you asked yourself if that task is critical to your success, or even remotely relevant to your goals?

Our brains default to what comes easily and naturally. The problem is that we never grow if we never face challenges in new areas. No pressure, no diamonds.

To assess how tasks address your goals and objectives, ask questions like:

which task, if completed, will make the rest of the tasks easier or irrelevant”,

which of these, if completed, would leave me satisfied with my day”,

and “which of these, if completed, will give me more time next _____ (week, month, year, etc)”.

Once you have judged the validity of a task and are ready to take action, use Parkinson’s Law:

“Work expands to fill the time available for its completion”.

Ok, yes, this part doesn’t quite apply for creative ventures, but it certainly pertains to anything with a set objective.

Predetermine a set amount of time that you will spend working on said task, and stick to it. What this will do is improve your work efficiency, as well as opening up more time to take on different opportunities.

By asking those three questions and keeping yourself to time constraints, your actual productivity will go through the roof. Focusing on the right tasks, and accomplishing what will leave you feeling satisfied, is ultimately a recipe for success.

Don’t fall into believing that busyness = productivity, but rather focus on doing the right tasks the right way.

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