Standing on the Precipice

Certain moments call for radical action. Moments when comfort, safety, and rationale need to be thrown out the window.

Most things in life don’t matter, which makes the select few that matter so much more important. So important, that their actions defy the normal course of our day-to-day life.

When confronted with these moments, we need to have the courage to go with our gut. To go against the grain and do what feels right, even if it scares us.

Taking the risk doesn’t mean that the downside goes away, but it means that you won’t regret not taking action to preserve something so vitally important to your life.

And, as I have said before, the universe rewards bravery.

The next time you’re at one of these crossroads, where you can see where both paths lead, choose the one that your intuition draws you towards, even if it scares you.

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