Life can be strange.
At times, everything seems to fall perfectly in place with our plans. At other times, nothing seems to work out and we are constantly trying to compensate as we go.
As different as both outcomes seem, they’re the same reality.
Adaptability is essential for happiness in life. It is the secret ingredient to joy, laughter, and contentment.
You see, our happiness comes from enjoying what we are doing at every moment. While planning our actions around what makes us happy is a helpful component, adaptability is what covers the bases in all situations when, inevitability, unforeseen events will arise.
It is in unexpected moments when our methods are truly tested. When we resort to plan B, C, D and E. In those moments, how do we feel?
Do we resist the change, fighting it at every turn? Or do we embrace the change, as if it was completely natural?
That disparity is what makes all the difference in how we perceive our lives. When we commit to fully enjoying whatever happens, and not judging events as good or bad, the confusion and frustration begin to subside.
Suddenly, all the drama and confusion becomes completely natural. Much how we don’t criticize a cloud or a fire for being unnatural or imperfect, we shouldn’t deem situations to be bad at first read, as it is impossible to know the consequences of alternative events.
So the next time things don’t go according to plan, try believing that what you’re experiencing is simply nature running its course. It’s easier than you think, because it’s true.