The lone dancer

“When we turn our focus inwards, we begin to see the microcosm which is our own life. Our problems, our fears, our hopes and aspirations—reflecting on these gives us clarity with how to live in harmony at a greater scale. Casting blame and projecting hate only make things worse, and truthfully are a simple reflection of our internal disorder. Before trying to fix the world, we must first clean our rooms and tend to our gardens; we must set our lives in order before criticizing the world.”

What comes next?

“The cost we incur with a life like this is fear and uncertainty. We worry that the future won’t go as well as the past has, or maybe we’re scared that things will take a drastic turn for the worse if we don’t prepare for what’s ahead. This cost, at least I think, cannot be the determinant of what we pursue. We’ll never know the difference between a fictitious and legitimate obstacle if we don’t throw ourselves at it.”

What are we breathing?

“Think of how easy it is to consume; eating food while watching television or listening to music while we walk down the street, completely engulfed in our thoughts if not for a greater, more appealing distraction. Ask yourself also, “how am I complicit in creating the conditions I say I don’t want.” With introspection, we come to find that we are often our own biggest hindrance.”

For the ones left behind

“The thought of leaving them all can be scary, but the process of change and renewal should not be a hindrance when navigating the inevitable twists life will throw our way. Just as we came into the world with only the basic necessities, so now can we begin a life in the same way—one through which a world of beauty awaits.”

The Last Dance

“There will come a time when we do something for the last time—when everything is simultaneously on the line and yet still wavers at a glimpse of the ever-changing, ever-expanding world we happen to occupy at this particular moment in time.”

Retaining Remembrance

“When we allow our lives to become repetitive and the excitement we once got from an activity begins to dwindle, it’s time to make a change. I’ll bet that most of the things that consume your time and your thoughts aren’t on any sort of shortlist of activities you’d like to be doing. I know, because it’s true for me.”