Navigating Uncertainty

Fear and uncertainty can be paralyzing. They can prevent us from pursuing our passion, chasing our dreams, and taking chances. It’s clear through actions that most people would rather experience unhappiness than uncertainty.

The stark fact of the matter is that there isn’t a way to reduce the uncertainty of life. We can’t predict the future or other people’s actions, and we don’t know what events will happen that will drastically change our lives. It’s simply impossible.

If we can’t control what happens around us, what can we control?

Ultimately, all we can control are our actions in how we prepare for and respond to future events.

In countless areas of life, lack of preparation causes unnecessary stress for people, making it a good place to start. Use your resources effectively (acknowledging time as your most valuable asset) and map your micro decisions in line with your macro goals.

With regards to responding to future events, there are certain things that we cannot prepare ourselves for. Things that no amount of thinking, planning, or reflecting can help.

To cope in those situations, self belief becomes your best friend.

Self-efficacy is a funny thing. It often fails when we become overwhelmed by “paralysis by analysis”. Yet, consistently, people who fully believe in their abilities to deal with problems are able to overcome new obstacles and surpass even their own expectations of what is possible.

The unshakeable attitude of “I can and will handle whatever arises” has an incredible success rate. It’s what propels innovators and all those who challenge the status quo to shape the world.

Believe in yourself, because you’re capable of much more than you think you are.

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