Most of us avoid standing out for the wrong reason. Whether it be in fashion, our hobbies, or who we spend time with, we tend to play within the constraints of the masses.
At the same time that we yearn to be recognized for accomplishments that society dictates as “successful”, we are constantly assessing how others see us to rectify anything that sticks out for any reason but those desired accolades.
Progress is completely dependant on questioning assumptions and taking risks. No groundbreaking idea ever had unanimous approval. In fact, the best ideas often have the most push-back.
When we have a new idea for how to do something, or an action that goes “against the current” of the majority, we should ask ourselves why there is opposition. Does the idea you’re considering offend people? Is the probability of success a deterrent? Do people wish they thought of it?
The only way you can really find out if something works or not is by doing it. Thinking about it ultimately accomplishes nothing.
Take chances and follow your intuition. It’s right more often than we think.