The Antidote to Anxiety

There can come about a great anxiety from feeling like life is slipping away in each moment—that what one is doing at any second could be subject to underappreciation of the beauty that each day holds and that each interaction can provide to us.

It’s a difficult mindset to break, as focus on imperfection often only leads to more squandering of opportunities, further robbing us of what lies in front, so easily accessible to us.

On a brighter position, these observations can also serve as a call to change things up, to live more fully, even amidst unpreferable circumstances. The reminders of life’s transience and fragility can be a counter to the angst that we may be prone to when we worry about wasting our limited time on this earth. Seeing everything as a gift can completely change the lens through which we see the world.

This is a gift, and so is this, that, and everything. Life changes when we realize it is not so much what we focus our attention on, but rather, the quality of attention that we allocate towards any given action, or inaction. Despite not always knowing our next step, we can come to a greater appreciation and understanding of this one if we just slow down and see it for the gift it is.

If the only prayer you ever say in your life is ‘thank you’, it will be enough.

~ Meister Eckhart

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